Stop Smoking Services

Support individuals and whānau to be smokefree

Hapū ora, smoke free programme!

Our Hapū ora programme for pregnant women and their whānau – available across the Wairarapa.

  • Hapū Māmā – a programme for pregnant women, expectant fathers, and parents with tamariki up to one year of age.

Meet with a Stop Smoking Coach……….

  • Work with a coach to create a stop smoking plan
  • Work collaboratively with internal and external health and social services to help realise the 2025 Smokefree goal

He tino taonga ā tātou pēpē.
Our babies are our greatest treasure.


      Wairarapa Stop Smoking Service

      The Wairarapa Stop Smoking Service is based at Whaiora. We offer smoking cessation services to anyone living in the Wairarapa. Our support is available across the Wairarapa, and it’s at no cost to the client. We Can Offer:

      • Kanohi-ki-te-kanohi – face-to-face support from a qualified Stop Smoking Coach
      • Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) in the form of patches, gum or lozenges
      • Hapū Māmā – a programme for pregnant women, expectant fathers, and parents with tamariki up to one year of age.

      Our Qualified Stop Smoking Coaches will:

      • Work with the client to create a stop smoking plan
      • Work collaboratively with internal and external health and social services to help realise the 2025 Smokefree goal