Our Story
Community- based health servicePhoto: Dr Janice Wenn (Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Hinewaka, Ngati Moe)
with Ngā Toa Whakaihuwaka Hauora trophy, 2013
Te Kōrero
The kaupapa for Whaiora was first considered in 1996 at a hui at Papawai Marae, Greytown. Ngāti Moe hapu, led by Dr Janice Wenn and Kim Workman, structured a proposal for a ‘by Māori for Māori’ community-based health service for the Wairarapa. Initially Whaiora Whanui was developed under the umbrella of the Ngāti Kahungunu Māori Executive, Taiwhenua (NKMET). With the mandate from Wairarapa hapū, Whaiora Whanui became an autonomous entity and was established as a Charitable Trust on 13 December 2000.
Our trustees

Teresea Olsen - Chair
Ngāti Porou

Ngaere Webb - Secretariat
Ngāti Kahungunu no te Wairarapa,
Ngāi Tahu

Dale Coles
Waikato, Ngāti Maniapoto, Rangitane,
Ngāti Kahungungu

Marama Tuuta
Ngāti Moe, Ngāti Hikawera, Ngāti Kaiparuparu, Ngāti Kahungunu

Piriniha Te Tau
Ngāti Hamua o te waka Kurahaupo

Mihi Keita Namana
Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Porou, Te Arawa

Hiraka Renata
Ngāti Te Whatuiāpiti ki Ngāti Kahungunu no te Tamatea,

Sue Taylor
Te Hapū o Ngāi Tūmapūhia-ā-Rangi ki Wairarapa
Whaiora. Our mahi
Charitable Trust
In December 2000 the hapu members of NKMET Board gave Whaiora Whanui the mandate to become our own autonomous entity. Whaiora Whanui Trust registered as a Charitable Trust on 13 December 2000.
Community Services
Whaiora has delivered a range of health and social services within the Wairarapa community since its inception.
We are a Whānau Ora Lead Provider. In addition, we were instrumental in the establishment of
Ko Te Aroha Early Childhood Education Centre.
Whaiora Medical Centre
Whaiora Medical Centre was established in 2010 to provide affordable healthcare.
It is Wairarapa’s only Very Low Cost Access (VLCA) General Practice.
Māori Health Workforce Development:
Whaiora is a strong advocate for nurturing our upcoming clinical and social service workforce. We regularly host student placements, including medical students from the University of Otago, New Zealand. We have also hosted medical students from Glasgow University, Scotland. In 2016, Whaiora was approved as a Teaching Centre for Registrars. Whaiora and Te Hauora Runanga o Wairarapa also host dental students from the Otago School of Dentistry. We acknowledge Kevin Wong’s Dental Clinic for their support and supervision of these students.